Product Quantity:
• 1 pot 2 cups
Guanshan Cup Set
Guanshan Cup Set
The design of the Guanshan wine set is inspired by the renowned work of art "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" by Wang Ximeng of the Northern Song Dynasty, from the Palace Museum.
The set comes with two glasses and a decanter with matching golden bases intricately designed with the mountain relief from "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".茅台观山杯
观山酒具设计灵感来源于故宫博物院收藏的北宋王希孟绘《千里江山图》卷。 该酒具为一壶两杯的组合,提取《千里江山图》卷中一组山型精心了设计。 酒壶和酒杯底部外部均有金色装饰,透过玻璃折射,整套酒具晶莹剔透,熠熠生辉。