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Enamel Yellow Open Medallion Bowl with Flowers

SKU: 1
  • Enamel Yellow Open Medallion Bowl with Flowers

    Qing Dynasty (KANGXI PERIOD)
    It is 6cm tall with an 11cm mouth diameter and 4cm base diameter.
    The bowl has a lopsided mouth, a curved belly which hangs down slightly and a ring foot. The inside is smooth and plain whereas the outside is decorated with open medallion enamels. Four petal-shaped open medallions are adorned on the yellow glaze, the insides of the medallions are green-glazed and painted with peonies and chrysanthemums while the outside is painted with lotuses.
    The inside of the ring base is white-glazed and the outer bottom writes “KANG XI YU ZHI” in red. Polychrome enamel decoration wares were rare and in small quantities as it was only used by the royalty therefore those handed down nowadays are of great value.




    清康熙。 高 6 厘米,口径 11 厘米,足径 4 厘米。碗撇口,弧腹,腹部略下垂,圈足。碗里光素无纹饰。外壁黄地开光珐琅彩装饰。黄釉地上有 4 个花瓣形开光,开光内以松石绿釉为地,彩绘牡丹与菊花。开光外绘折枝莲花纹。圈足内施白釉。外底署红料彩楷书“康熙御制”双行四字款,外围红料彩双方栏。珐琅彩瓷器为名贵的宫中御用瓷器,因烧造数量有限,传世不多,故弥足珍贵。


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