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Jiaguo Chengxian

In the past, flowers were admired, eaten and some even used in traditional medicines. What’s more interesting is the fact that there is actually a meaning behind plentiful fruits and it was used in life through construction, painting and to convey auspicious meanings.
In this workshop, the history of “fruits” is shared to students and they will get to design a gourd bottle of their own using their knowledge of the auspicious and abundant fruits.
  Target audience: 7 – 9 years old students


Window to the World –

The Palace Museum Window

If one were to say that the eyes are the window to the soul, then the window has to be the eyes of the building so as to convey the spirit and body of the building. The windows used in the past were intricate and carried a lot of cultural significance as well as aesthetic appeal.
This workshop talks about the windows used in the Palace and teaches attendees on how to make their own window lamp.

  Target audience: 13 – 15 years old students


Royal Seals Handicraft Workshop

Seals have come a long way and even till now, people still uses seals to identify themselves. The Chinese have used seals in the past to not only identify themselves but also in calligraphy, painting and art as seen from the Emperors to make it known to others their exquisite taste in art.
In this workshop, people will learn how to carve seals and personally design a royal seal of their own. This activity can help them train their hands-on abilities and patience but at the same time make it a colourful journey of arts and crafts.

 Target audience: Students above 12 years old and adults

Palace’s satisfaction “Ruyi”

“Ruyi” is a word that has an auspicious meaning and at the same time has a beautiful image.
The appointed teachers will introduce “Ruyi” to the attendees before engaging them to make their own. They will learn the different way of tying knots, crafting and also the history and culture of “ruyi”.

Target audience: 5 – 10 years old students; Junior high students or older, adults, families


Parent-Child handicraft workshop

This workshop is a collaboration between Xuan and the Palace Museum to promote parental bonding.
They will be exposed to signature clothing features of the Qing Dynasty as well as how to construct a creative imperial rag doll.
Families who participate will learn about the history and the skill of crafting as well as the opportunity to experience traditional Chinese environment.

Conductor: Teacher from Beijing Palace Museum 

The best “gold”

The people of the past loved the colour gold due to its vibrant colour and high market value which is also why it was constantly associated with nobility. The Qing and Ming Emperors especially loved gold and used gold in a lot of things, utilizing them in many ways and forms.
This workshop will teach students on the history of gold in China and also allow them to make their own gold scratch-art piece. Through this activity, the students will need to utilize their creativity and also exercise patience and attentiveness.
  Target audience:13 – 15 years old students


“Auspicious Animals” Zoological Park

Children will make their own little paper car and at the same time understand the Chinese legends and stories concerning the Auspicious Animals.
Parents can participate with their children.

The best “gold”

The people of the past loved the colour gold due to its vibrant colour and high market value which is also why it was constantly associated with nobility. The Qing and Ming Emperors especially loved gold and used gold in a lot of things, utilizing them in many ways and forms.
This workshop will teach students on the history of gold in China and also allow them to make their own gold scratch-art piece. Through this activity, the students will need to utilize their creativity and also exercise patience and attentiveness.
  Target audience:13 – 15 years old students

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