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Chinese Famille Rose Vase

SKU: 1
  • Chinese Famille Rose Vase

    Qing Dynasty (YONGZHENG Period) It is 37.8cm tall with a 4cm mouth diameter and 11cm base diameter.

    The vase is white-glazed and decorated with famille roses. A peach tree is painted on the surface with vines climbing all over the body and butterflies fluttering at the buds. Beautiful flowers are shown to be blooming with verdant leaves decorating the branches.

    The flowers are painted in different shades of red, from carmine to pink. The center of the flower is most vibrantly painted with the carmine fading from the center out to the edge of the flower.





    高 37.8 厘米,口径 4 厘米,足径 11 厘米。通体白釉,粉彩装饰。外绘桃树一株,蔓遍器身,彩蝶飞舞其间。花蕾含苞,花朵婀娜,绿叶青翠。胭脂红彩描绘的花朵颜色深浅不同,花心部分色料最厚,从花心到花瓣边沿红色渐浅淡。

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